Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions for D-Insights Subscription

  1. Introduction

  2. Welcome to www.dinsights.katadata.co.id (“D-Insights”). D-Insights is a premium subscription content owned and operated by PT Katadata Indonesia (“Katadata”). By subscribing to this premium content product, you have wider access and greater opportunities regarding Business Intelligence Information. You acknowledge and agree that by subscribing to this premium package, you shall comply with all rules, terms, and conditions, as well as additions related to the service you use (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms and Conditions”).

  1. Definition

    1. Account is an account that Subscribers created before using the subscription access to the website.
    2. Affiliates are Companies that become shareholders, subsidiaries, companies that controlled or in control, or companies related to PT Katadata Indonesia.
    3. Activation is the process of registering subscription service at www.dinsights.katadata.co.id.
    4. Package Fee is one of the cost components that shall be charged and must be paid by Subscribers to Katadata based on the selected type of subscription and payment method.

    5. Service Center is a customer service center that can be contacted through e-mail at dinsights@katadata.co.id.

    6. Force Majeure means an unexpected condition or event beyond the capability and power of the Parties, which directly or indirectly prevents a Party or Parties from complying with any of its obligations under the provisions of this Terms and Conditions, including but not limited to earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, landslides, other natural disasters, fires, explosions, wars, riots, acts or threats of terrorism, rebellion, sabotage, embargo, walkout strike and and other events beyond the authority of the Parties (Act of God).
    7. Subscription Form is a form provided by Katadata, containing Subscriber data and information, package type, and payment methods as well as the applicable terms and conditions.
    8. Business Days are Monday to Friday starting from 9 AM to 5 PM.
    9. Days are calendar Days in a year.
    10. Premium Content is article, data, and reports containing information about the latest updates and news obtained by Subscribers according to the selected subscription package. This subscription package consists of:
      1. Daily monitoring updates and information trends.

      2. Weekly reports in the form of in-depth reviews about an issue, but not journalistic products.

      3. Industrial reports, review about specific industries but not journalistic products.

    11. Subscribers are business entities established legally under Indonesian law or individuals who have been deemed to have met and agreed to the terms and conditions of the subscription and stated their willingness to subscribe to the D-Insights content services.
    12. Company is PT Katadata Indonesia, as the owner and operator of D-Insights.
    13. Website is www.dinsights.katadata.co.id.
    14. Invoice is a payment request issued by Katadata to Subscribers in hardcopy or electronic billing statement form for the use of D-Insights content services, which contain package fees, taxes, and/or other additional cost components.
  1. Access and Use

    1. Subscribers are required to register for a Service account (referred to as “Subscriber” or “You”).

    2. Each Subscriber must register by following the guideline on this link and choose a subscription package as follows:

      1. Access to read daily monitoring updates and information trends and weekly reports; or

      2. Access to read industrial reports and the products mentioned in point a.

  1. Renewal and cancellation of personal subscriptions

    1. You and Katadata have the right to terminate or cancel your account or specific subscription at any time. You can cancel your Account and the use of the Service at any time through “Profile Menu” -> “My Subscription” -> "Unsubscribe."

    2. You agree that Katadata can terminate your account because you have violated or acted inconsistently with the Terms and Conditions and can also terminate the contract with written notice in connection with the deactivation of your account.

    3. Katadata is not obliged to give refunds if individual accounts or subscriptions are terminated or canceled unless otherwise specified.

    4. Some information we collect from you may be personally identifiable.

    5. Katadata has the right at its sole discretion at any time to change or stop, temporarily or permanently, the Service (or any part thereof). Notification of such modification or termination will be posted on the Website wherever possible.

    6. You agree that Katadata will not be responsible to you or any third party for modification or termination of the Service unless agreed otherwise between Katadata and the third party.

    7. If any Paid Service is suspended or canceled, Katadata can delete or stop your access to the information contained in the Service related to the use of Paid Services (including, if relevant, any information in your Premium Service account).

    8. Katadata rejects responsibility for loss of data as a consequence of canceling the Paid Services.

    9. The amount paid to Katadata before you report any unauthorized or fraudulent use of your account will not be refunded. Katadata has the right to close or cancel any Subscriber account in case of abuse or misuse of their account or Paid Services.

  1. Registration

    1. A verified account is required in order to use D-Insights Service, you may register for such account by providing a username, valid email address, password, account name, mobile number, and other information (“Registration Data”) in accordance with the requirements on the electronic and/or hardcopy subscription form.

    2. You are fully responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and account for any activities carried out on your Account. You agree to:

      1. Use your account individually and not share it with others;

      2. Provide correct, appropriate, accurate, complete, current, and truthful information in the registration form;

      3. Maintain and update data to ensure that the data in your account remains correct, appropriate, accurate, complete, current, and truthful;

      4. Protect your Account and the Paid Services from unauthorized and fraudulent use; and

      5. Notify in writing or by sending an email to dinsights@katadata.co.id in case of violation or unauthorized use of your account.

    1. You can change the data that you have entered, except e-mail address, to the Service at any time by accessing your account through "Profile Menu" -> “My Account.”

  1. Advertisers/ Pengiklan

    1. The relationship between the you and advertisers found on or through the Service, including payment and delivery of related goods or services, and other terms, conditions, guarantees or representations associated with such transactions, are entirely between the You and the advertiser.

    2. You agree that D-Insights, Katadata, and its Affiliates shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage arising as a result of the transaction or relationship that occurs between the You and the advertiser.

    3. You fully understand and agree that the Service may include advertisements and that this advertisement is required for D-Insights.

    4. By using the Service, you agree that D-Insights has the right to run these advertisements without prior notice and with no replies to You or other users.

    5. The manner, method, and reach of advertisements by D-Insights on your Profile are subject to change at any time based on D-Insights policy. For Subscribers with Paid Service membership sponsored through the organization, your service shall not include advertisements.

  1. Katadata Responsibilities and Limitation of Responsibilities

    1. Katadata guarantees that the Paid Services shall comply with all matters as described in this Website.

    2. The maximum obligations of Katadata related to the Paid Services are only to the extent permitted by applicable law, and shall not exceed the amount you paid for the Services.

    3. You understand, agree, and adhere to this Article that:
      1. The website, Services, and Contents provided are at Your own risk.

      2. As permitted by applicable law, Katadata expressly denies any kind of warranties, either express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability, suitability for specific purposes and non-infringement.

      3. Katadata is not responsible, unless as stated by applicable law, on the failure of securing Subscriber communications or personalization settings; access loss or restriction; bugs or other errors; unauthorized use as a result of Service sharing; or any damage and/or poor internet connection or inadequate computer that you are using.

      4. Katadata does not guarantee that the Service or any part thereof will not be interrupted or error-free.

    1. You agree that D-Insights, Katadata, and its affiliates shall not be held responsible for:
      1. Opportunity loss;

      2. Data loss;

      3. Profits loss;

      4. Loss of access;

      5. Loss of good deeds;

      6. Indirect, incidental, special, and consequential damages resulting from all matters related to the Website, Services, or Content; or

      7. Other alleged or improper losses are part of the responsibility of D-Insights, Katadata, and its Affiliates.

    1. You hereby release D-Insights, Katadata and its affiliates from any claims and damages whatsoever that arise from or in any way related to your disputes with other Subscribers arising from and/or in any way associated with the use of the Website and Services.

  1. Choice of law and jurisdiction (including cross-border payment regulation, and arbitrage in case of dispute)

    1. Terms of Service and your relationship with Katadata shall be governed by applicable law in the Republic of Indonesia.

    2. In case of problems and/or disputes arise as a result of this Terms and Conditions, the Parties agree to settle them by consensus.

    3. In the event that the Parties cannot reach a deliberation, the Parties agree to resolve this issue at the Indonesian National Arbitration Board (BANI).

    4. You and Katadata agree that any lawsuits arising from or related to the Service must be filed within one (1) year after the cause of action arose; otherwise, the lawsuit is permanently prohibited.

  1. General Terms

    By accessing or using any D-Insights service, you hereby state and agree that:

    1. You are 18 years old or more.

    2. Katadata can occasionally update the general terms from time to time with no prior notification. You can read every updated version anytime on www.dinsights.katadata.co.id. The access or use of any Service and the Type of Package you have already chosen despite the update will be continue and You are automatically considered agreeing to every applicable change on this Terms and Conditions.

    3. If you do not agree with the current Terms and Condition or the updated version, you can submit a request for cancellation of the Service or Package by email to dinsights@katadata.co.id.

    4. Katadata and its affiliates can not and shall not be responsible for covering any loss or damage caused by your inability to obey this Terms and Conditions.

    5. You are not allowed to produce, multiply, copy, sell, resell, or exploit any part, type, or access of the Paid Content with no written permit from Katadata.

    6. You agree that the Terms of Service represents all of the agreements between you and D-Insights related to Paid Service. This Terms and Conditions shall replace all of the previous versions between you and Katadata, including the earlier versions of the Terms and Conditions.

    7. In using this Service, you agree not to:

      1. See and use it for illegal purposes;

      2. Use any material in, or transmit it trough practices forbidden by the law, harass, malign slander, vulgar, obscene, sexually explicit, or any unpleasant material from any form or in any attribute.

      3. Copy, modify, distribute, transmit, show publicly, perform publicly, or create any derivative work from the available Service, or any service provided by Katadata or any third party, or from Service other than the one strictly provided by this Terms and Conditions;

      4. Use of this Service and the site in any chain letter, spam, survey, contest, pyramid scheme, or a distributive list including anyone who has not granted special permit yet to be included in such process (commercially or the opposite);

      5. Collect or spread any information about other Subscribers, including email addresses, without consent, or violate other people’s privacy or publicity rights or intellectual property rights (including, but not limited to the copyright, trademark, and patent);

      6. Avoid, deactivate, or disturb any feature related to the security of the Service or other features which prevent or limit the effort to use or copy any part of the Service;

      7. Use any method to intercept or take over the system data or information from the Service;

      8. Try to obtain illegal access to the Service, Subscribers account, computer system, or networks;

      9. Violate any law, any local, national or international regulation or rule, or endanger D-Insights or any person or entity;

      10. Collect or harvest the information that can be identified privately, including account names or email addresses from the Service;

      11. Disturb, wreck, non-activate, overburden, corrupt, devastate, limit the functionality, or impair the Service, or server, or networks connected to the Service, or not comply the requirements, procedures, networks policy linked to the Service;

      12. Allow or facilitate any third party to perform any of the above.

  1. Content Ownership and Intellectual Property Rights

    1. You acknowledge and agree that all Intellectual Property Rights of the Service, Site, Software needed and used related to the Service (“Software”), all of the Contents on the Site and Service owned by Katadata, D-Insights, and the licensor and, therefore, Katadata, D-Insights, and the licensor strictly hold all of the Intellectual Property Rights of the Service, Site, Contents, and Software. The term Intellectual Property Rights consists of the copyright, trademark, patent, service brand, trade name, intellectual rights, database rights, design rights, and other intellectual rights or any equal form of protection in any nature anywhere in the world, registered or not registered, and including the application to grant the rights.

    2. You and any third party are not allowed to copy, modify, derive, reengineer, or try to find any source code as well as sell, set, sublicense, provide security interests, or transfer any rights in the Software. You also understand that you may have to agree to the additional terms and conditions before you use the Software or Contents from any third party.

    3. You agree to:

      1. Not access Site, Service, or Contents in any way other than the ones provided by D-Insights to access the Service; or

      2. Not modify, rent, borrow, sell, or create any derivation based on the Service or Software, entirely or partially, before obtaining any written permission from D-Insights, Third Party or advertiser that can infringe any Intellectual Property Rights.

    1. D-Insights respect other people’s Intellectual Property Rights and expect the Subscriber to do the same.

    2. Katadata is not responsible for any content from other websites that you possibly find or access while using the Service.

    3. The materials provided on or through Other Websites may be protected by the copyrights and the Intellectual Property Rights law in any country, and therefore the Terms and Conditions of the Other Websites are not the Terms and Conditions of D-Insights’ Service, and thus we cannot regulate the usage of the material for you.

  1. Cookies policy

    By using or accessing the Site, you agree and understand that the Site uses cookies. We use cookies to understand how you browse the Site and what your interests are so we can provide our services based on your needs.

  1. Contact Us

    1. If you have any question or report to any infringement from any provision on the Service or Terms and Conditions, you can send your email to dinsights@katadata.co.id.

    2. D-Insights can contact and send you any notification, including notifications related to the Terms and Conditions through email or direct announcement on the website.

  1. Miscellaneous

    1. The Terms and Conditions are the entirety of the agreement between you and D-Insights related to the Subscription Service and shall replace any existing contract.
    2. If there is any provision in the Terms and Conditions that is considered breaking any law, invalid, or by any reason inexecutable, therefore the related provision can be separated from the entirety of the Terms and Conditions and shall not affect the validity or enforceability of other remaining provisions.

    3. If any provision is not suitable with the Indonesian regulations or Laws, you and D-Insights shall agree to revise the Terms and Conditions.

    4. You agree that, by using the Service, you have already read, understood, and agreed to you bind yourself with D-Insight’s Terms and Conditions and policies. The Service can, therefore, be available to you according to the service you have already chosen during the registration.