ADRO Seeks to Spur Coking Coal Output
Coal miner PT Adaro Energy Tbk is expanding coking coal mining output. Currently, the company owns one operating coking coal mine from seven mines of the Adaro Metcoal Companies (AMC) concession. This year AMC is conducting exploration activities in other concessions to evaluate and prioritize development, operation, and production plans at the Haju mine in Lahai concession.
ADRO is also preparing operations and production at Lampunut Mine, which is set to begin trials in 2019. Some time ago, Adaro also acquired Kestrel mine in Australia which produces coking coal. ADRO estimates a 40 percent growth in Kestrel coal output which can be sold and well absorbed by the market. Currently, AMC also has metallurgical coal reserves reaching 1.3 billion tons and high-quality metallurgical coal reserves of 54.4 billion tons.