Kalbe Farma Uses Capital Expenditure to Self-Improve
PT Kalbe Farma (KLBF) has spent Rp 912 billion of capital expenditure in the first half of 2019 or 45-60 percent of this year’s target at Rp 1.5-2 trillion. Consequently, the company is ready to spend Rp 588 billion to Rp 1 trillion more in the next half of this year. Most of the capital expenditure in the first half was to facilitate the production of Saka Farma and Myanmar-based Kalbe branch.
During the press release in the Indonesia Stock Exchange, the company stated that “the expenditure was necessary to support Bintang Toedjoe’s products and new branch.” The company allocated Rp 1-1.5 trillion to maintain, improve the production capacity, and expand the distribution network while the remaining Rp 500 billion will be used to support a digital transformation and biological product development. Besides, KLBF sets the sales growth at 6-8 percent this year.