E-Commmerce Sites to Feature Tax Payment Services
The e-commerce companies will now receive the payment for taxes and other state revenues. The government, through the Finance Ministry’s Treasury Director-General, has appointed Tokopedia and Bukalapak as the non-bank agencies (LPL). The appointment is legalized through the Director-General of Treasury’s decree No. 170/PB/2019 for Tokopedia and No. 179/PB/2019 for Bukalapak.
As the non-bank agencies, Tokopedia has already released a tax payment feature on August 6, 2019, while Bukalapak will release it in the third quarter of 2019. The feature allows Tokopedia’s users to pay around 900 types of state revenues divided into three categories: online tax payment, customs and excises, and non-tax state revenues. The users can pay income taxes (PPh), value-added taxes (PPN), KUA’s rates and fees, or extend their passport or driver's license digitally through the website or app.