Hoisting the Role of Domestic Retail Industry
Bank Indonesia (BI) noted that Indonesia's foreign debt has reached US$ 391.8 billion or Rp 5,563.5 trillion as of June 2019 (assuming an exchange rate of Rp 14,200/USD), increased 8,1 percent from June 2018 and 10.1 percent from Q1/2019. In an official statement, BI said such increase was mainly due to the rise in foreign government debts, while external corporate debts decreased.
These debts consist of US$ 195,5 billion (Rp 2,776.1 trillion) worth of government and central bank debts, while corporate debts, including SOEs, reached US$ 196.3 or approximately Rp 2,787.4 trillion. However, BI is still confident that Indonesia's foreign debt structure remains healthy, weighing only 36.8 percent to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Additionally, the medium-to-long-term debts are still dominating with an 87 percent portion from total foreign debts.