TINS Strengthens Sales in Asia


PT Timah Tbk plans to strengthen sales in the Asian market as currently around 98 percent of PT Timah productions are exported. The TINS stock-coded company recorded 144,09 percent higher sales to 31,000 tons in the first half of 2019 year-on-year (YoY) from 12,700 tons in 2018. Meanwhile, TINS production increased to 37,000 tons in H1 2019 from 12,000 tons a year earlier.

Sales to Asian countries contributed the most to the shipment, reaching 70 percent-75 percent of total export, followed by Europe which reached 20 percent-25 percent, and America by six percent to seven percent; while TINS domestic sales portion were only three percent to four percent. Amid the decline in tin metal prices, TINS ​​keeps increasing production to catch up with the 2019 production and sales targets.

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