Ammonia Supports ESSA Sales


Entering the second half of this year, PT Surya Esa Perkasa Tbk (ESSA) has entirely operated the ammonia factory after carrying out production in stages as of July 2018. ESSA Vice President of Finance Prakash Bumb said the daily output of ammonia had increased. Previously, the ammonia plant through PT Panca Amara Utama, located in Luwuk, Central Sulawesi, had an average ammonia production of 1,900 metric tons per day, but now it has reached 2,100 metric tons per day. The installed capacity for this ammonia plant reaches 700,000 metric tons per year.

“Our ammonia plant is running well, and it can produce 2,100 mt per day. So our factory utilization has exceeded 100 percent,” he said, as quoted by Kontan, Wednesday (9/4). If Surya Esa Perkasa’s daily production has reached 2,100, they can produce more than 750,000 mt of ammonia in a year.

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