Indonesia’s Long Road to Enter the World’s Top Five
In an event titled The Book Launching of Indonesia and the Road to the World’s Top Five Largest Economies (Peluncuran Buku Indonesia Menuju 5 Besar Ekonomi Dunia) held by Katadata on Thursday (9/12), the Finance Minister, Sri Mulyani, revealed that the strategy to propel Indonesia to become one of the countries with largest economies in 2045 had been prepared. The implementation of the plan will hopefully drag Indonesia away from the middle-income trap.
Sri Mulyani explained that the strategy would focus the available resources on the fundamental issues to support the economic development in the future such as infrastructures, human resources, and the country’s ability to adapt to technological advances. The focus on fundamental issues should be followed by the improvement of bureaucratic, regional layout, as well as economic and financial resources. The policies and regulations had to follow such fundamental issues to maintain the equal distribution of the economy.