Indonesia Books US$ 85.1 Million Trade Surplus
Statistics Indonesia (BPS) noted that Indonesia's trade balance in August 2019 scored a surplus of US$ 85.1 million. The country's export value reached US$ 14.2 billion, while imports were only US$ 14.1 billion. Compared to July, exports and imports have decreased. However, the value of imports fell deeper, reaching 8.5 percent, while exports only fell 7.6 percent.
Based on country of origin, the sharpest decline in imports occurred from China. The BPS data shows imports from China in August fell sharply by US$ 358.7 million to US$ 3,741.8 billion compared to July. Several imported commodities from China declined, such as aluminium fell 18.7percent, machinery and electrical equipment fell 9.7 percent, and iron and steel fell 2.3 percent. China is Indonesia's largest importer country with a share of 29.17 percent of total August imports.