HOKI to Increase Production Capacity up to 20 Tons per Hour


PT Buyung Poetra Sembada Tbk (HOKI) will upgrade the production capacity to 20 tons per hour at the factory in Subang which will effectively operate in October 2019. The Investor Relation officer of Buyung Poetra Sembada, Dion Surijata, assured that upgrade of production capacity of the factory in Subang was in the final phase this September. He added that the company could receive the benefit of the new size in October 2019.

“[The upgrade process] is finishing up this month. The change in production will be apparent in the fourth quarter of this year, and hopefully it will improve the last year’s production,” Surijata said on Monday (9/16). Hypothetically, the 20 tons per hour upgrade at the factory in Subang would improve 57 percent of HOKI’s annual production capacity.

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