Preparing to Produce Electricity from Nuclear Power
The government made a breakthrough in the new energy sector through the development of a nuclear power plant (PLTN). This step began after the Energy and Mineral Resources’ Research and Development Agency completed a study of the thorium-based powerplant, which is the result of the development by Thorcon International Pte Ltd.
According to the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry’s Chief of the Center for Research and Development of Electricity Technology, New and Renewable Energy, and Energy Conservation (P3TKEBTEK) Sujatmiko, the PLTN study has been running for ten months. As a result, Thorcon’s nuclear power plant is considered to have fulfilled the requirements following the Nuclear Law and the Law on National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) 2005-2025. Based on data from the testing team, Thorcon’s technology has a high level of safety as it can operate at low pressure. The nuclear power plant also produces cost-effective clean energy.