Bangka Belitung to Form Coastal Mining Zonation
The Bangka Belitung (Babel) Legislative Council and administration have finished the study of the regional bylaw draft of zoning plan on coastal areas and small islands (RZWP3K) to regulate the coastal tin mining through the sea mining zonation. Kontan reported that the policy was a follow up from the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry’s (KKP) request to prohibit any mining activity from 0-2 miles off the coastline.
The number of coastal mines on the Babel waters in four districts and one city has reached 2016 locations. In the future, the Babel administration will impose the RZWP3K regional bylaw by prohibiting any coastal tin mine from operating within 0-2 miles from the 4,140 hectares coastline including mines owned by PT Timah Tbk (TINS). The state-owned mining enterprise holds the marine-based mining permit (IUP) on 184,000 hectares all across Indonesia with 75.5 percent of the mines are located in Babel, and some of them are in the red zone.