OKAS Ambition in the Explosives Industry
From January to August 2019, the ammonium nitrate production of PT Ancora Indonesia Resources Tbk (OKAS) grew by 21.39 percent to 72,444 metric tons compared to the same period in 2018. Demand for explosive raw materials mainly came from coal mining companies. OKAS President Director Rolaw P. Samosir told Kontan that the domestic coal demand for power plants is still good. Thus, mining companies continue to produce, even though commodity prices are still volatile.
Besides coal producers, other mining companies along with oil and gas as well as construction companies also buy from OKAS. The company, which manufactures raw materials through subsidiary PT Multi Nitrotama Kimia, will build a booster explosives assembly plant to increase the added value of ammonium nitrate. The two sides plan to collaborate with business partners in the construction of the factory. OKAS has prepared 30 hectares of land and is targeting to start production from this facility in 2020.