Consumption Remains the Backbone of the Indonesian Economy


The government and the House of Representatives have approved to pass the 2020 state budget draft in the budget committee meeting led by the head of the committee, Kahar Muzakar. Around 34 of 98 representatives from 9 fractions were present in the meeting. All of them agreed to discuss the state budget law draft in the plenary session. The Finance Minister Sri Mulyani, the head of the National Planning Agency, Bambang Brodjonegoro, and the governor of Bank Indonesia, Perry Warjiyo, were also in attendance.

Several basic assumptions in the 2020 state budget draft are:

  • 5.3 percent economic growth
  • 3.1 percent inflation rate
  • Rupiah exchange rate: Rp 14,400 per US$
  • 5.4 percent three-month treasury bill yields
  • Indonesian crude oil price (ICP): US$ 63 per barrel
  • Oil lifting target: 755 thousand per barrel per day
  • Gas lifting target 1.19 million barrels of oil equivalent per day

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