Wings Air to Close Seven Routes


Wings Air is going to close seven routes on October 3, 2019, from Batam–Tanjung Pinang, Palu–Morowali, Palu–Ampana, Kupang–Rote, Manado–Kao, Manado–Naha, to Manado–Melanguane. The sub-holding airline of Lion Air Group sees the flights on those pioneer routes are no longer profitable.

The corporate communication director of Lion Air Group, Danang Mandala Prihantoro, said that the most significant loss came from the jet fuel price. The jet fuel sold in the routes was more expensive than the one sold in Soekarno-hatta Airport, which was only Rp 7,970 per liter. The price in Bandara Sam Ratulangi Airport, Manado, and Mutiara Sis Al-Jufri Airport, Palu, for example, could reach Rp 10,080 per liter, while the jet fuel price in Eltari Airport, Kupang, was Rp  9,970 per liter.

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