Corporate Land Obstructs High-Speed Train Track


The construction of the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed train is set to complete at the beginning of 2021. However, PT Kereta Cepat Indonesia Cina (KCIC), as the contractor, revealed that some fundamental problems could push back the deadline for several months.

Interviewed after attending a coordinating meeting at the Office of Coordinating Economic Ministry on Tuesday, October 1, 2019, the president director of KCIC Chandra Dwiputra revealed that the company would postpone the train test run to the second half of 2021 since the project was facing land acquisition problems. For example, he further explained, the project came to a halt since it was waiting for a green light from the consignation process of one square kilometer of land in Bandung in the Supreme Court to continue. The land acquisition problems have halted project progress at 35 percent.

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