Business Rigging in the Parliament

The members of House of Representatives for the 2019-2024 period, starting to work on October 1, 2019, are mostly businesspeople. In a mapping conducted by Yayasan Auriga and Tempo, 262 members or 45.5 percent of them are either holding a vital position in or related to the ownership of a company.
Most of them operate in the extractive industries such as mining and plantation, oil and gas industry, general trading, and even the broadcasting industry. However, PDI-P leads the list of parties with the most legislators-cum-businesspeople with 57 members, followed by Golkar with 48 members, Gerindra 41 members, and NasDem 21 members. The data will probably change in the future since many legislators did not list their ownerships on limited partnership (CV) and trading business.