Trade Ministry to Investigate the Imported Textiles Leakage


The flood of imported textile products might be the cause of the textile industry's slowdown. However, not every imported textile has entered the country legally. The Trade Ministry is currently investigating the possibility of imported textiles “leakage” from the Bonded Logistics Centers (PLB) supposedly used as raw or auxiliary materials and not entering the retail market.

The Trade Minister, Enggartiasto Lukita, admitted that he had formed a special task force to investigate the problem. The task force consisted of delegations from the Trade Ministry, Industry Ministry, Finance Ministry’s Customs and Excise Directorate General, and the stakeholders of the industry. The task force would investigate the flow of goods in several PLB’s warehouses as well as audit the performance of the companies holding the importer-to-producer identification number (API-P). Some of the companies allegedly leaked the imported textiles intended to be the raw materials, auxiliary materials, or reused for export purposes to the retail market.

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